The author of
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating finds unlikely companionship in the form of a snail while she is bedridden with a chronic illness. Her friend brings her the snail in a pot of violets, and soon Bailey is intrigued by its habits and endeavors to learn more about it. Bailey is in the right situation to observe a snail, an activity that takes much time and patience. Being cut off from the rest of the world, the author appreciates connecting with nature in this way, and having the snail around has a calming effect and keeps her spirits from sinking too low. She even thinks about similarities between her condition and that of the snail. Bailey learns about everything snail-related and enlightens the reader. Hers is a well-written reflection on these quite fascinating little creatures. The book provides inspiration not only for those whose worlds have become much smaller due to physical ailments but also for the rest of us to be able to appreciate the smallest wonders of nature.
I read this book as well and found it fascinating! Anne